Back behind the lens!
If you’re following me on social media you probably noticed my page(s) have been a bit quiet, and were practically silent for a stretch. I owe you all a little update!
In March of this year I stopped scheduling sessions as I headed into the last leg of a physically draining pregnancy. My body was angry with every step I took and there just was no way I could physically carry my gear, chase kids, and maneuver the way I wanted to in order to provide the family sessions I strive for. I “coasted” (crawled…awkwardly rolled….collapsed) into maternity leave.
And in early April we welcomed our second son, Cal Anthony, into our family.
At 10.1lb, 22in….we were once again the talk of the L&D floor!
We ended up in emergent c-section and I had no idea what recovery was like after laboring and then a CS. It was tough! My dreams of a maternity leave filled with family outings and play dates quickly changed into a lot of time focusing on physical recovery. But Cal was a great baby and big bro Hatcher was smitten with his baby brother.
And four months later Cal is still a great baby and Hatcher is still smitten.
We are trying to figure out what this next chapter of life looks like, and how our “new normal” functions. Like morning routines? Still working on that one. Bedtime routines? Eventually we are all passed out. Does that count as a routine?
But the boys are great and we feel doubly blessed. Hatcher is a master at alerting us to the blue line on diapers and fetching burp rags. He has put his dancing skills to use entertaining Cal with rump shaking hip wiggles. Every morning he races down the stairs to greet his little brother with a “Good morning little guy! How did you sleep? Did you miss me, were you looking for me? Here I am!” and a hug and a kiss.
Melts me every time.
Cal smiles pretty much from the moment he wakes up until he goes back to bed. Unless he’s hungry. Then he’s got some big feelings…just like his mama. His bright blue eyes, little dimple, and sweet snuggles have been such a wonderful addition to our family.
So here we are! I charged the camera back up and slowly started scheduling sessions again.
And it feels so good to be clicking away! I’m so grateful for loyal and loving clients who were patient and encouraging through the pregnancy and maternity leave. I have loved catching up with so many of you while also meeting new clients that I am excited to work with. I truly cherish getting to know you, seeing your families grow, and sharing my own growing family with you.
You all are the best.
Hope to see you on the other side of the camera soon <3